When Daxhelet installs Pentair, it is because of unrivalled convenience and quality
Daxhelet Pool and Spa Concept is a four-person family company, based in the south of Belgium, which offers its customers customised and turnkey swimming pool constructions. This company constructs around twenty traditional swimming pools a year, from A to Z.
The company specialises in the concept of self-built or customisable swimming pools. Samuel Daxhelet, owner of the company of the same name, reveals his concept to us: "We offer a solution where all the materials are sold to the future owner of the swimming pool, who will build their pool themselves. The customer is supervised by our support service, which is included in the price and consists of around five visits. At each stage of construction, we travel to the site to supervise and explain the procedures, offering different intervention fees if needed. "
This tried-and-tested concept is particularly popular and enables us to offer swimming pools to certain people who want to construct part of their pools themselves. "It's a way of being original, which offers people the opportunity to be the agents of their own project. It's a concept that I find really exciting, enabling us to have a particularly special relationship. "
Daxhelet Pool and Spa Concept has worked with Pentair products since 2007. Distributing initially filters and pumps, then automation products, the company has acquired an excellent knowledge of the Soleo VS and IntelliPool solutions in particular. "Reliable and durable products, even 10 years after the installation," Samuel Daxhelet tells us, "and even if we have to intervene at some point, when the update is made, everything is solved. "
"In my quotations, when I have to suggest pumps and filters, I only suggest Pentair ones. "
"A pump or filter made by Pentair : there are no problems. The Intelliflo variable-speed pumps have very durable engines. " He tells us. For single-speed pumps, the SuperFlo pump family has a particular place in Samuel Daxhelet's heart. He continues: "Regarding engines and pumps, personally, I've never found anything on the same level as Pentair, if I'm honest," adding that Pentair products are well-designed and practical.
"The engine of a Pentair pump can operate 24h out of 24 and it doesn't have any problems, it doesn't make a noise, even as the years go by, it's indestructible. "
And with the Intelliflo, his experience has been rewarding: "Sometimes we do repairs and we have to change pumps from other brands that are only 4 years old. This isn't normal. We started installing Intelliflos in 2009, and they've continued to be in service after more than 13 years. Their engines were revolutionary because they ran at a variable speed, in order to reduce the consumption of electricity. At that time, we were pioneers and it was already a major point of contention".
In light of these proposals, and taking the current energy context into account, it can be said that Daxhelet Pool and Spa Concept still has many great days ahead.